We are a catholic Parish of the Episcopal Church
within the Anglican Communion in the Diocese of Long Island.
Somos una Parroquia católica de la Iglesia Episcopal
dentro de la Comunión Anglicana en la Diócesis de Long Island.

Weekly Schedule | Horario Semanal
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
Said Mass
La Misa en Español
Sung High Mass
Weekday Masses
Low Mass
Low Mass or Morning Prayer
Wednesdays @ 7:00 PM
Fridays @ 9:30 AM
We are inclusive and affirming.
We are handicapped (ADA) accessible.
A face mask may be worn, if desired, but is not required.
Combined Masses
On the following dates, there will be only one Mass at 10:00 AM (unless otherwise noted).
If you plan to join us in person, please make note of the time change.